
Showing posts from October, 2022

Broadlog Resequencing in Adobe Campaign Classic

 As we all know, the max value for any auto primary key field in Adobe is limited by the max of int which is 2.15B [[+/-) 2,147,483,647]]. As ACC doesn't support bigint as the auto pk column data type, you have to recycle the number every time it reaches near to that 2.14B mark.  Now Broadlog tables being the most heavily used table in ACC, we observe the issue often with this table but this can happen with other tables as well like Tracking and so on. It is not difficult to recycle the value of the sequence in ACC, but most of the time the BL and TL data is shared with downstream systems. So, once you reset the sequence, you have to make sure the downstream system knows about it and handle it properly without overwriting the existing historical records. And that is where these types of challenges are faced How do we inform downstream when ACC is resetting its sequence If downstream is managing the uniqueness of the records, then they have to prefix something to make sure it i...