Adobe Campaign: Call Java Script from Input Form
I came across a scenario where I need to do some custom auditing when some fields are changed via an input form. So for that I had to call javascript functions from an input form. I have custom schema as cus:Preference with 1:1 join with nms:Recipient. And audit was required to capture who is making change to the preference page if any. Step 1: Create an entry in the input form for the soapCall. <form> <container > <!--Enter the form fields here--> </container> <leave> <!--servi = "name of the schema where the method is declared"--> <soapCall name=" auditPreference " service=" cus:Preference "> <param exprIn="[@id]" type="int"/> <param exprIn="[@recipientId]" type="int"/> <param exprIn="[@prefAllCommunications]" type="boolean"/> <param exprIn="[@prefAllCommunicationsModifiedDat...