Adobe Campaign: Call Java Script from Input Form
I came across a scenario where I need to do some custom auditing when some fields are changed via an input form. So for that I had to call javascript functions from an input form.
I have custom schema as cus:Preference with 1:1 join with nms:Recipient. And audit was required to capture who is making change to the preference page if any.
Step 1: Create an entry in the input form for the soapCall.
<container >
<!--Enter the form fields here-->
<!--servi = "name of the schema where the method is declared"-->
<soapCall name="auditPreference" service="cus:Preference">
<param exprIn="[@id]" type="int"/>
<param exprIn="[@recipientId]" type="int"/>
<param exprIn="[@prefAllCommunications]" type="boolean"/>
<param exprIn="[@prefAllCommunicationsModifiedDate]" type="datetime"/>
Step 2: Add the method signature in the schema cus:Preference
<!--Enter the actual schema fields here-->
<method library="cmn:preference" name="auditPreference" static="true">
<help>Capture Audit on preference data update</help>
<param desc="Preference Id" inout="in" name="preferenceId"
<param desc="Recipient Id" inout="in" name="recipientId"
<param desc="Pref All Communications" inout="in" name="prefAllCommunications"
<param desc="prefAllCommunicationsModifiedDate" inout="in" name="prefAllCommunicationsModifiedDate"
Step 3: Declare the function in JavaScript
Create the javascript file "cmn:preference" and add the below fiuction
Note: Function name: <schema-namespace>_<schema-name>_<method-name>
function cus_Preference_auditPreference(preferenceId, recipientId, prefAllCommunications, prefAllCommunicationsModifiedDate)
logInfo("Inside cus_Preference_auditPrvPreference");
var query = NLWS.xtkQueryDef.create(
{queryDef: {schema: "cus:preference", operation: "select",
select: {
node: [{expr: "@id"},
{expr: "@prefAllCommunications"},
{expr: "@prefAllCommunicationsModifiedDate"}]
where: {
condition: [{expr: "@id = " + preferenceId.toString()},
{expr: "@recipientId = "+ recipientId.toString()}]
var res = query.ExecuteQuery();
var prefs = res.getElementsByTagName("preference")
var logMessage = "";
for each (var pref in prefs)
var id = pref.getAttribute("@id");
var oldPrefAllCommunications = pref.getAttribute("@prefAllCommunications");
var oldPrefAllCommunicationsModifiedDate = pref.getAttribute("@prefAllCommunicationsModifiedDate");
logMessage = "Id:" + id + " prefAllCommunications:" + prefAllCommunications + " prefAllCommunicationsModifiedDate:" + prefAllCommunicationsModifiedDate;
logMessage += "Old values: prefAllCommunications:" + oldPrefAllCommunications + " prefAllCommunicationsModifiedDate:" +oldPrefAllCommunicationsModifiedDate;
logCustomInfo(preferenceId, "Preference", logMessage);
//Check if the values have changed
if(prefAllCommunicationsModifiedDate != prefAllCommunications)
//Update in the audit table
var userInfo = xtk.session.GetUserInfo();
var user = userInfo.@loginCS;
logMessage = "prefAllCommunications updated by user:" + user + " at " + formatDate(getCurrentDate(),"%4Y/%2M/%2D %02H:%02N:%02S");
logMessage +="\nOld Value:" + oldPrefAllCommunications + "\nNew value:" + prefAllCommunications;
logCustomInfo(preferenceId, "Preference", logMessage);
// Using the same logCustomInfo as example. ideally, this audit should be saved into separate table
I realized that the logInfo in this case doesn't write the log as there is no workflow associated with it. So I created a custom basic logging mechanism.
Created a database table as CustomLog
CREATE TABLE [neolane].[CustomLog](
[RecordID] [bigint] NULL,
[RecordType] [varchar](100) NULL,
[CustomLog] [varchar](max) NULL,
[LogDate] [datetime2](7) NULL
Then created a function in the same js file as below
function logCustomInfo(recordId,recordType, info)
var sql = "Insert into CustomLog ([RecordID],[RecordType], [CustomLog]) values ($(l),$(sz),$(sz))";
var recordsDeleted = sqlExec(sql,recordId,recordType, info);
I have custom schema as cus:Preference with 1:1 join with nms:Recipient. And audit was required to capture who is making change to the preference page if any.
Step 1: Create an entry in the input form for the soapCall.
<container >
<!--Enter the form fields here-->
<!--servi = "name of the schema where the method is declared"-->
<soapCall name="auditPreference" service="cus:Preference">
<param exprIn="[@id]" type="int"/>
<param exprIn="[@recipientId]" type="int"/>
<param exprIn="[@prefAllCommunications]" type="boolean"/>
<param exprIn="[@prefAllCommunicationsModifiedDate]" type="datetime"/>
Step 2: Add the method signature in the schema cus:Preference
<!--Enter the actual schema fields here-->
<method library="cmn:preference" name="auditPreference" static="true">
<help>Capture Audit on preference data update</help>
<param desc="Preference Id" inout="in" name="preferenceId"
<param desc="Recipient Id" inout="in" name="recipientId"
<param desc="Pref All Communications" inout="in" name="prefAllCommunications"
<param desc="prefAllCommunicationsModifiedDate" inout="in" name="prefAllCommunicationsModifiedDate"
Step 3: Declare the function in JavaScript
Create the javascript file "cmn:preference" and add the below fiuction
Note: Function name: <schema-namespace>_<schema-name>_<method-name>
function cus_Preference_auditPreference(preferenceId, recipientId, prefAllCommunications, prefAllCommunicationsModifiedDate)
logInfo("Inside cus_Preference_auditPrvPreference");
var query = NLWS.xtkQueryDef.create(
{queryDef: {schema: "cus:preference", operation: "select",
select: {
node: [{expr: "@id"},
{expr: "@prefAllCommunications"},
{expr: "@prefAllCommunicationsModifiedDate"}]
where: {
condition: [{expr: "@id = " + preferenceId.toString()},
{expr: "@recipientId = "+ recipientId.toString()}]
var res = query.ExecuteQuery();
var prefs = res.getElementsByTagName("preference")
var logMessage = "";
for each (var pref in prefs)
var id = pref.getAttribute("@id");
var oldPrefAllCommunications = pref.getAttribute("@prefAllCommunications");
var oldPrefAllCommunicationsModifiedDate = pref.getAttribute("@prefAllCommunicationsModifiedDate");
logMessage = "Id:" + id + " prefAllCommunications:" + prefAllCommunications + " prefAllCommunicationsModifiedDate:" + prefAllCommunicationsModifiedDate;
logMessage += "Old values: prefAllCommunications:" + oldPrefAllCommunications + " prefAllCommunicationsModifiedDate:" +oldPrefAllCommunicationsModifiedDate;
logCustomInfo(preferenceId, "Preference", logMessage);
//Check if the values have changed
if(prefAllCommunicationsModifiedDate != prefAllCommunications)
//Update in the audit table
var userInfo = xtk.session.GetUserInfo();
var user = userInfo.@loginCS;
logMessage = "prefAllCommunications updated by user:" + user + " at " + formatDate(getCurrentDate(),"%4Y/%2M/%2D %02H:%02N:%02S");
logMessage +="\nOld Value:" + oldPrefAllCommunications + "\nNew value:" + prefAllCommunications;
logCustomInfo(preferenceId, "Preference", logMessage);
// Using the same logCustomInfo as example. ideally, this audit should be saved into separate table
I realized that the logInfo in this case doesn't write the log as there is no workflow associated with it. So I created a custom basic logging mechanism.
Created a database table as CustomLog
CREATE TABLE [neolane].[CustomLog](
[RecordID] [bigint] NULL,
[RecordType] [varchar](100) NULL,
[CustomLog] [varchar](max) NULL,
[LogDate] [datetime2](7) NULL
Then created a function in the same js file as below
function logCustomInfo(recordId,recordType, info)
var sql = "Insert into CustomLog ([RecordID],[RecordType], [CustomLog]) values ($(l),$(sz),$(sz))";
var recordsDeleted = sqlExec(sql,recordId,recordType, info);
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