Campaign classic sequence of execution of different Javascript Code Bloc inside a workflow delivery

 Every time I have to add some advanced JS code inside Delivery I am confused about the sequence of JS. When it comes to Delivery, then there are multiple places where you can write the JS

  •  Right Click on Delivery > Open > Go to Script Tab

  •  Right Click on Delivery > Open > Go to Advanced Tab

  • Typology Rule of type Control
    • There are many phases where the rule will be run. I was trying to run the rule as much late as possible and thus had chosen "At the end of the analysis"

    Ignoring the option of adding JS code inside the Routing External account > Connector and Post processing workflow as I didn't run that

    Here is the result
    While the delivery is waiting at "Approve Targeting", the log for the recurring delivery activity at workflow level looks like below

    The delivery log looks like below for the Typology Rules

    Note: At this stage the broadlog is not created and that makes sense as the Targeting is not approved yet

    While the delivery is waiting at "Confirm Delivery" stage
    There is no change in the log at workflow level for the recurring delivery
    Inside the Delivery Audit, the Typology rule is applied as below.
    Same rule updated to share an warning, and this time the rule is marked with warning.
    In both the cases, the log was not captured (both logInfo & logWarning) in the audit. But I saw the log from other OTB rules are coming inside audit. So probably I am missing something. - To be explored further

    Note: At this stage the Broadlog is already inserted and thus if you need to do any processing using BL, you should be able to do
